Maximising Reuse and Recycling of UK Clothing and Textiles – 2009
Undertaken in 2009 in the UK , this project was commissioned by Defra as part of the Sustainable Clothing Roadmap industry initiative. The study identifies facts and recommendations for maximising reuse and recycling of end of life UK clothing.
The overall aim of this project is to report up-to-date, comprehensive and robust data on the quality and quantity of clothing and textiles waste in the UK and present and evaluate strategies for increasing reuse and recycling rates. This includes a detailed assessment of:
• Barriers and enablers to maximising reuse and recycling
• Technical feasibility of options
• Infrastructure requirements
• Examples of best practice from overseas.
17 Detailed recommendations for maximising the recycling and reuse of clothing and textiles waste generated in the UK are made, specifically addressing the role of a variety of stakeholders in any interventions (voluntary or mandatory).
A copy of the report can be found at this link.